In [2]:
Wed 05 Jan 2022 10:50:47 PM EST

I'm just going to say that today was pretty hard.

But I realized it might be good to keep track of this new direction and found myself expecting myself to write something tonight.

Except that I couldn't quite get myself to sit down and focus even long enough at work to make me think that I could get any of my own studies done. And obviously I still have to stress about not having a goal for programming this year yet.

In the end - I found some Six Sigma Greenbelt learning path on LinkedIn Learning, which is old school bought out by LinkedIn. I watched a few videos to kind of gauge where I should start just before I wrote this so I could justify it's writing.

So in my last post or a post before that, I talked about small things and how they made up the huge things. Small wins, 1%'s, or just getting the ball rolling , even just a smidge.

We can all find little things to be proud of in a day and it helps to realize what went well in a day, especially if you're truly talented and practiced at focusing solely on what didn't go well.

so wins today:

  • closed a case at work all because I sent an email yesterday
  • accidentally made breakfast for the rest of the week
  • went on a walk and it was sunny
  • climbed with a friend, got home and worked out some more
  • old friend reached out
  • directed an entire client meeting from within chat on GoToMeeting because my audio was set up wrong apparently.
  • I keep thinking today is Monday and tomorrow is Thursday so that's like a huge win y'know?
  • Actually ate lunch.
  • still did six sigma stuff despite it being like 3ish total minutes.

That's it.

Thanks for reading and welcome to

day two of resolution stuff